11/03/2015 21:39

Change it up: Most likely, your summer skin care routine will not cut it in the winter. Your skin will probably need more moisture more often. If you usually use a lotion, you may need to switch to a thick cream/body butter. I suggest using my lotion bars a couple times a week to replenish lost moisture, and my body butter is great for all-over softness.

Slough it off: Getting rid of those dead skin cells on the surface helps your moisturizer penetrate much better. It also brings back that youthful glow that is so often lost during the winter months. Try on of my body scrubs a couple times a week.

Protect: Winter weather appears to be less sunny, but remember-those harmful UV rays are still out there. Always protect skin with a safe sunscreen like my all natural lotion bars with a SPF 12-15 and wear
protective hats and clothing.

Try a sugar scrub on lips: Chapped lips are the bane of winter living. Get rid of that dry, flaky skin with a sugar scrub (choose an essential oil here), and rub gently on the lips once a day. Follow up with one
of my nourishing lip balm which contain a bonus of vitamin E and organicbeeswax giving your lips protection and an SPF of 12-15.
